Sunday, December 18, 2005 - Sending the future you e-mails - Dec 18, 2005 - Sending the future you e-mails: Web site sends reminders into the future"

...FutureMe is one of a handful of Web sites that let people send e-mails to themselves and others for delivery years in the future. They are technology's answer to time capsules, trading on people's sense of curiosity, accountability and nostalgia...

...Matt Sly came up with the concept for about four years ago after recalling how, during his education, he had been given assignments to write letters to himself...

...Recently, jumped on the idea, offering an "e-mail time capsule" promotion. More than 140,000 letters were collected over about six weeks. Nearly 20 percent are supposed to land in the sender's inbox in 20 years but others requested shorter time frames. is partnering with Yahoo! and Codefix Consulting on the project...

...Another type of future message service can be found at sites such as or, which promise to send messages to loved ones (or less-than-loved ones) after the writer's death...

..."Part of the value of time capsules are that they are thought processes in the present," said Hudson, a historian who teaches at Georgia Perimeter College. "You define yourself when you do a time capsule. It might be a good exercise in introspection."...


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